Images folder (publish thing) contains SUBFOLDERS?

Hope anyone can help me. I was trying to update a website of a client, and i usually do it manually aka through web ftp … so far so good but now I ran into a problem taht none of the images are showing. And this includes the haburger icon for smartphone version… which is just super annoying bc of navigation…)

investigating what the problem might be i noticed that the web upload that sparkle gives me to publish contains an image folder that has SUBFOLDERS… thats weird… they are several all named with a sigle letter ( ie. a, c, f, and so on…) I looked and this seems to be new… I am starting to suspect thats why my images are not visible on the website.

Does anyone (@duncan maybe? please?) know why that happems and/ or what i can do to make the images show? in preview all is fine.

thanks in advance

I think the best thing @Dooria79 is to delete your published Sparkle website from the server via FTP, and then re-publish your Sparkle project file.

Is there a reason you are not using Sparkle’s baked in Publish?
For me it always works, even when the new image sub-folders protocol came into existence.

thanks for trying to help! I tried deleting the web ftp files numerous times, cleared the cache too -still same problem.

but what I gather from your answer the image folder with the subfolders is “the new normal” so to speak… at least thats good to know.

i upload manually bc i tried setting it up via sparkle upload but this too failed :face_with_peeking_eye:

@duncan is very knowledgeable with unexpected issues when it comes to connecting Sparkle to the hosting server. You can catch him on

Explain the situation and send across your Sparkle project file.

Hello @Dooria79,

yes putting images in folders is the “new normal”, and is a requirement to make publishing of only changed images work with a number of FTP servers that don’t like all images under the top level images folder. It had become a relatively frequent problem, so we made this behavior the default.

The change of image location is paired with the change in the HTML code that references the image, so it works transparently – meaning the new image location and the page code are in agreement. The only reason for the images not showing is a cache somewhere, the cache loads the old HTML that is not updated with the new image location.

While it’s generally common knowledge that you can clear the browser cache, what’s less common knowledge is that there can be a cache on the server, or on the CDN (content delivery network) if you have one set up.

There is no single way of clearing those caches, generally web hosting platform control panels have a section specific to the cache, but sometimes they don’t. What’s worse is sometimes the caches are set to expire after 6 months, so the site will not work unless you go in and clear/reset/disable the cache.

Hello @duncan

Could this new structure be used to prevent hotlinking to images as well?
Just an idea: when publishing a project, the folders are randomly renamed and the source code is adjusted to the new names. No need to upload the images again.

Mr. F.

Hotlinking is generally prevented with htaccess rules that don’t allow loading the page unless the page that loads the image is from the website itself. Changing the image url breaks browser caches and image SEO, so not great to do it frequently.

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Thank you. Got it.
Did not consider SEO.

Mr. F.

Greetings Ducan,
Re: image Subfolders - Is there a way to delineate that a specific graphic is stored in the main IMAGE folder?
I update a GIF almost daily using FTP. I want to store the image consistently in the same folder, preferably IMAGES. But, when I update with Sparkle the folder location is changed everytime.
Thank you for any thoughts!

The developer tools add the option to tune off the per folder image subdivision. There is no other setting for this.

Thank you! You are so generous with your knowledge and make our lives EASIER!