Picture-transfer from image gallery into Image/Video Grid


I’ve a lot of image gallery in my pages and plan to transfer the pictures into the Image Grid.
Is there a way to transfer all the pictures ?



Hello @tpau17, welcome.

I’m afraid there currently isn’t a direct conversion of one to the other. We should add it.

Duncan, thanks for the quick answer.
I think such a conversion is normally needed less.
I have pictures in the Gallery (and there are more and more) and would like to use the video grid instead. Iexported the images in my CaptureOne for Sparkle and then also deleted these jpgs. Now I have to export the images again via the CO catalog and then insert them into the grid.
Is it possible to “open” this Sparkle file like MacOS-packages and copy out these jpg files in any subdirectories?



happy user of sparkle since v1 and now with v5Pro :slight_smile:

Sparkle project files are not macOS packages, there is no way to access the assets directly I’m afraid.

One option you may like to consider is publishing your site to disk. You can then go into the published folder and grab all the larger images from the various images folders, and copy them to a new folder on your system. Once you have them all in the new folder, you can then add the image/video grid. With the image/video grid selected. you can add the image files in one go via the style inspector. Just click the Edit Button, browse to your new folder of images and select all of them. This will populate the grid and extend it as needed.

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thanks, great idea :+1:

Just a quick tip. When you open the images folder on a published-to-disk site, you will notice a number of folders, each containing what appears to be the same images. Don’t worry about these, just copy ALL the images from EVERY folder to a new folder. Then use the sort feature in Finder to grab the images you want. If you sort the images by size, they will all be neatly categorised in file size groups. You can then delete all the smaller sizes and just keep the biggies for adding to your image/video grid.