Resizable right hand inspector area

Is it possible to add this feature as I find its fiddly when adding text to various properties as they are very small in width!

Inspectors are generally not resizable due to the complex layout of many options the contain. Which specific properties are fiddly to enter?

Thanks for replying Duncan, text input entry fields such as embedded content, page description, keywords or keyphrase etc where the text content overflows the box and there is no scroll bar so its click and drag to locate what you may need to edit in the text box!
I finish up copying>editing them in textedit then copying them back again. Could they be made vertically extendable?
Minor and picky - possibly, but also a tad annoying!

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to extend the height of those input containers so you can see all the content in them without having to use the mouse! :slight_smile:

Maybe a popup for this?
A bigger input field could be too complicated and deserves redoing the UI, i guess.

Mr. F.