Security - Clcikjacking

Hello everyone, does someone have experience with this word. I got a mail from someone who was on my website and kindly he just advised me to have a look at my page:
Obviously there is a leak and someone could just attack this page and routes then to another page.
Well I did this form with Sparkle, but never thought it could be a problem.

He advised me to fix as follows:
it is missing a X-FRAME header. a user with the help of some tricky css can trick the user to click on the one click actions. . You should apply a X-FRAME header

does someone have experience with this topic?
Thanks in advance

Mmmm, not an expert on this but don’t you think it is a bit “fishy”?
I have seen a few emails where “someone” lets you know something is wrong with your website… and that they have the solution. Not at first but they have already let you know they know more than you!

I’m gong to call it a scam email, but I’m sure @duncan will chime in and let you know what an “x-frame” is which I have never heard of.

An X-Frame-Options header is a security measure that can be included in the HTTP response headers of a web page to control whether or not the browser should allow the page to be displayed in a frame or iframe. This helps prevent clickjacking attacks, where an attacker tries to trick users into interacting with a page within a hidden frame.

Clickjacking is a type of cyber attack where a malicious website or web element tricks a user into clicking on something different from what they perceive they are clicking on.

The X-Frame Options header can prevent this from happening and is commonly implemented in an .htaccess file on your server. What is important to note is that Sparkle isn’t the issue here - any website, no matter how it’s created can be subjected to this type of attack, so please don’t think there is something in Sparkle that makes it more vulnerable than any other website development app.

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More importantly the extent of the “risk” is someone entering a contact form email unknowingly?

It makes more sense for password protection (I.e. login forms), and we can improve that area though it’s hardly an issue when identity or payment information is not at risk.

Thanks for all answers, I thought it might be a possibility of phishing, but am still not sure. But anyhow thanks to all who cares about security.