Sparkle 5 problems-Can't publish!

Hi @JAYEMM1951, I totally agree, it was not the plan, we had a reasonably wide beta group and the issues only surfaced after release. The issues are definitely on us, we’ll avoid this in the future, we’re not proud of how it went.

In the mean time we have released two bug fix releases within a week and a third one coming today or tomorrow. We are doing what we can to help affected customers, sending them beta releases as we fix bugs and fixing project files directly where possible.

We care very much about Sparkle and it’s long term viability, and are committed to fixing all bugs.


I’ve got a problem publishing my website too so I’ve just emailed the file across to feedback@. Fingers crossed you can fix it soon and send it back! Please send me beta releases too. That would be great to tide me over!

Hmm don’t see your email, could you write again?

Sure : ) I’ve sent it again. Apologies I didn’t type the email correctly the first time