Sparkle blows me away

I came across this comment while googling Affinity Publisher vs Indesign:

Which reminds me of a new software that blows me away. In my opinion it’s the best software designed since those great days of simplicity. It’s a web designer called Sparkle. Not a great name but wow, it could nearly be a DTP software. No reading a manual (or much) on this one. I haven’t looked at it for a while but it’s truly simple and powerful if you’re into that. Would work well with Affinity Software users I’m sure.


I use Sparkle and Affinity Designer together and I can do things that cannot be done with other software.
In particular, I just create something in Affinity Designer, copy it from there and paste it into Sparkle and it works like a charm!
I’ve been using both for years and I have to say that the workflow from Designer to Sparkle goes smoothly.
Here is my latest work, all done with Designer and Sparkle. All site graphics are done with Affinity Designer (elements simply copied from Designer to Sparkle!)
I still need to fix a few things though…

My web site - a tribute to the TV series of The Greatest American Hero


Fantastico. Ottimo lavoro.

Awesome. Excellent job !

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Grazie mille!

I also use Affinity Designer (which I really like), I tried to copy/paste into a Sparkle page, does it paste the image and a text block at the same time? Any solution?

Same behaviour. At the moment I have not found a solution and I delete the text that adds…
However, in previous versions of Sparkle this did not happen.

Totally agree. I would add the level of support from Duncan is the best!

First time we hear about this. Please email us about this behavior with a test case we can reproduce.

Hello, I’ve made a test page to illustrate the result by copying and pasting directly onto a Sparkle page. When the desing is more complex with a lot of graphic elements, it makes the page very heavy to load. Here’s the link:

No really I mean we need to be able to produce the problem ourselves on our development Macs, to be able to look into it and solve it.

OK, So what can I do, what do you need?

Im a new user …coming off of a defunct Muse…and I totally agree with you. MIND BLOWN!

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I think they need to install a trial of Affinity Designer, copy graphics from the application and paste them into Sparkle. Only then can they understand what is going on.

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What a perfect X-mas Idea … MaultimediaMan