Video Grid Problem

Hi All

So my existing site has a couple of youtube videos embedded and all works fine. Adding more videos and noticed the video/image grid object. Brilliant!

So added the ID’s to the two existing youtube videos I have jinto the grid just to see how it all worked… and for the life of me I can’t get them to play. I’ve checked and re-added the urls and, although the thumbnail comes up in the grid when I click on it to play it’s just the blank box that comes up.

The only thing I’ve noticed is that in the grid edit view the full Youtube URL of the video appears to be truncated…but I guess it could just be hidden and not relevant. Just to mention also, this is only local preview not online yet… but the original YT vids I have play fine in preview.

Can anyone shed some light for me?
many thanks

Somewhat confused here @Broadwood

You say you have exiting YouTube videos (embedded) playing nicely in Preview, but you added some more videos with the Video/Image Grid activating which you have tried out.

So the videos you placed within the Video/Image Grid are not YouTube videos?

yes two existing youtube videos that work great. I’m going to add more videos so trying out the video grid. i’ve added the youtube links of the existing videos to the grid, so essentially i should have the two videos on page individually as normal, plus the video grid below with another two versions of the same two video’s (just to test) but, as above, these don’t play at all.

@Broadwood it might be best to talk to @duncan about this at, sending across your test project and describing what is happening with your YouTube videos in the Video/Image Grid not playing.

Yeah good plan.

Thank You :0)

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