Website Thumbnail when sharing website link

I am not sure if I name correct or not, when I share the website link in Facebook for example, it does not show the logo that I used but instead it is taking picture from the page. kindly see the below screenshot:

On the web browser tab, it shoes the correct logo, as the screenshot below:
Screenshot 2023-01-17 at 1.34.28 PM

So how can I correct that?

Thank you for the assistance.

Hi @Theilluminance,

you need to add a 1200x630 image in the page settings for that page. That page is picked up on social networks.

Once you do that you will also need to go back to facebook’s sharing debugger and click “Scrape again” to clear their cache of the previous image they had found.

The same caching issue actually can happen on other social/sharing sites as well (twitter, linkedin, slack, telegram, etc) and each has their own cache clearing mechanism, so it’s best to get the image right when you first publish the page, and certainly before sharing it.


Thank you for the assistance,