Mention your Sparkle website!

I noticed that as well…

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Thank you, this is helpful!
I did instal Disqus (free version) but it had the ugliest adverts that I did not seem to find on the other comment platform that Duncan suggested, Intense Debate.
Then, I have republished my two sites, to try to overcome the glitches/problems you mention. If you have the time, I would be grateful for new input:

Thanks, I have gone in an unclicked this now.
On which page, of which site, is the content going over the top of the main navigation bar? Not sure I see this

Hi Hendrik, I am having a menu problem on the two pages you mention, the same menu shows up three times in the layers, instead of only once. Is this perhaps linked to why the Blog navigation dropdown is not opening?

Without see your project @Gillian what you describe seems odd.
Maybe experiment and move the other ones above the present on and see if your navigation works.

Once you have the working one in place and working across all pages, you might need to get rid of the other two if they serve no purpose…

The pilates website is a 1 pager and at the moment wherever you are on it the content is rolling over your main navigation…

Thank you Hendrik, I think I have now fixed the Pilates with Alex navigation overlap.
(& dankie, dinge gaan goed in Suid Afrika! are you perhaps an Aussie ex-pat?)

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Thanks, I have removed and re-installed and think it is now working. Appreciate the feedback and follow up!

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Glad to hear it is going good! :slight_smile:
I guess I’m an ex-pat, but I’d go more for South African born, Australian settled! :slight_smile:

Implemented a header that is replaced by a pop-up on mouse-over.


Pop-ups to the max.


Well done @valorbiz on both projects! :slight_smile: :clap:
If anything, for me the paragraph text on mobile is a tad to small.

I agree with the text being too small on the mobile version. My eyesight is very good and it still seems small.

Thank you. And thanks for your feedback. I enabled mobile auto-scaling (Settings > Miscellaneous > Mobile auto-scaling), and now the text is significantly larger. Thanks again!

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Thanks! I fixed the issue by enabling mobile auto-scaling.

Could I ask you if you republished after mobile auto-scaling?
I don’t see any difference with both website…

Hello Team !

my new website made with Sparkle 5:

Some minor problem with website on smartphone.

Have a nice day !

Minor Problem with website on smartphone resolved !!! Thank Duncan :+1:

Sorry I missed your comment. Yes, I turned auto-scaling and republished the project. May I inquire what mobile browser are you using? Thanks.

Yes for sure @valorbiz
When testing on mobile I use my iPhone 11 device (with the latest updates) and use iOS Safari, but also Firefox, Edge, Opera and Chrome just to cover all the bases! :slight_smile: