Video / Dark bar at the bottom

Happy New Year to you all! Gutes Neues Jahr!

I get a dark bar across the bottom of my videos. The original does not show any dark bar. It also doesn’t show in Sparkle directly but it does in PREVIEW.

When I use “Browser built-In” the dark bar is gone. BUT! I don’t like that design too much. I rather like it as modest as possible.

Has anyone had this issue and knows how to fix it? Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards

These are my settings (screenshots)

Hello dear Sparklers!

I still have this problem. Is there anyone who can help me to resolve it?

If I don’t center the play button I get that fuzzy bar at the bottom. Though I rather would like the play button on the bottom of the video.

Thanks in advance!

I hope you are doing well in these challenging times.


My understand @mynona is that this is the norm with videos, but I could be wrong?
The dark horizontal gradient bar is there for a better visual contrast to clearly see the video controls when they show.

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Thank you! I’m sorry to say this but I find the “gradient bar” very annoying. It is not part of the video and it hides some details in the lower part.

Maybe I’m too much of a purist?