Sparkle Guide Number 4 has landed

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the release of our latest guide, “Innovative Web Design: Breaking Conventions with Sparkle”. This brief guide is perfect for anyone looking to explore cutting-edge design trends and techniques that leverage tools like Figma, Canva, and Sparkle.

In this guide, you will discover how to create visually compelling and engaging web pages that break away from traditional design norms. We delve into a couple of the psychological principles of web page design, showing you how to keep users engaged with your content.

Check out our new guide today and start thinking outside the box!

Click the image below to download the guide.

Screenshot 11


I totally love this way of designing! :slight_smile:
This gets me away from the rectangle boxed look which is so common throughout the net. And as you so very well pointed out Frank it alludes to an exploration of the website page which engages the emotional responses in a human.

Sparkle has been the only tool that has allowed me to design like this without breaking a sweat!!! :slight_smile:

Again! well presented and and engaging Frank! :slight_smile: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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Great work! Maybe your Guides should be added to the documentation.

Mr. F.

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Frank must be some kind of advanced AI bot


Agreed! It’s amazing work again.

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Franc- YOU always make things so easy! Grateful thank-yous! :sunglasses:

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Duncan…That’s IT! You nailed it! :astonished:

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Thanks Frank, this is very helpful and you bring clarity into the fog of confusion :slight_smile:

I have the links for guides 1, 3, and 4. What is the link to Guide 2?

(Artistic Sites is Guide 1, right?)

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I thought that was number two.
So now I have to ask for the link to number three.

These are the links to all the guides - in future I’ll drop the numbering as it can get confusing.

Sparkle Guide Number 4 has landed

Sparkle Guide Number 3

A new Sparkle Guide is now available

Another Sparkle Guide - Mood Boards

Sparkle Guide Number 5


Many thanks. I’ve been reading it.